Five copies of “Answers to Prayer” by George Mueller were circulated for months among the congregation of Howardsville Gospel Chapel. Many read the account of God’s miracle-working during the life ministry of Mr. Mueller. We believe that God is still working miracles and would be happy to demonstrate His wonders in our midst.
Believing that our 55+ acres of land was ours for more than raising corn and soy beans, and believing that God would honor our faith, Howardsville Gospel Chapel voted to begin a Christian school in the church facilities.
Once the decision was made to dare to trust God for a school, a school board was chosen and we plunged into unfamiliar territory. Guidance was solicited and received from the Association of Christian Schools International in the form of cassette tapes and mimeo addresses which were most helpful. Multitudes of questions were taken to a number of Christian School Administrators. A most helpful spirit was evidenced at each interview. Visits were made to numerous schools to help us gain ideas, any ideas that could possibly be incorporated into our plans. Howardsville Christian School was to be such that the physical property, as well as the educational quality, would be outstanding and a testimony to what God could do for a small church that dared to trust Him.
Key people were invited to speak to all interested people in our community regarding the many facets of a Christian School. None were more helpful than Mr. Felix O’Donnell and Dr. William Male, both educators.
The summer of 1980 was a true test of faith! We needed an Administrator and teachers for a student body that had not one pupil enrolled. Once again, God wrought a miracle and fulfilled this great need, both staff and pupils.
The finances for this first year’s operation were not even calculated when we started. One of our board members spoke very truthfully when he said, “If we knew then that we would have needed all this money, $50,000.00, to run the first year of school, the answer would have been, “No way!” Perhaps this is why God kept us from setting up a first year’s budget before the school year began. Looking back, we can praise God for how He allowed us to go through the entire year, paying all bills in full and in sufficient time!