
Welcome to HCS Elementary

What is the history of H.C.S. elementary?
Howardsville’s elementary began  in 1980.  The school started with 21 students its first year and the Lord has continued to bless .  The teachers guide each class with academic and spiritual instruction.  Classes serve up to 24 students. 

When does H.C.S. elementary meet?
The hours of operation begin at 8:30 a.m. and dismiss at 3:15 p.m.  Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and be picked up promptly at 3:15 p.m.

How is Christian education implemented into the Elementary Classroom?
Howardsville Christian School is to provide a Christian Education wherein every subject is taught with Biblical truth as its foundation.  Our school teaches that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, died for our sin and we must be born again by receiving Him as our Savior.  The curriculum we use in the classroom incorporates the Word of God in all areas of study.

What special events can you expect for your child?
Your child will experience a variety of special events such as field trips, holiday parties, Spring and Christmas concerts, opportunities to participate in ACSI competitions, field day, and weekly chapels with special speakers such as local pastors, child evangelists, and missionaries.

What are the goals for students in the elementary program?

Our goals and objectives are:

Spiritual Growth

  • Word of God, only source for daily living
  • Learn the basic tenets of the Christian faith
  • Encourage personal relationship with Jesus Christ 
  • A pattern of life based on the standards in the Bible

Intellectual Growth

  • Learn skills for effective comprehension, computation, and communication
  • Provide a versatile curriculum which will furnish a thorough preparation of each student’s future study 
  • Stimulate creative and critical thinking
  • To recognize in every area of study the revelation of God in creation and in the Holy Scriptures.

Social Growth

  • Encourage sense of personal worth as a creation of God
  • Establishing wholesome relationships by accepting and respecting one another in Christian love
  • To practice good citizenship through responsibilities to home, community and church
  • To think and hold convictions under pressure

Physical Growth

  • Promote good health and fitness
  • Encourage good sportsmanship
  • Encourage the value of team effort in competition
  • Recognize all physical talents and abilities come from God

When is the best time to apply?
You can save by taking advantage of our early registration. The cost of registering your student is $125.  Registration will secure your child’s placement in the classroom.
